Welcome to say-it-correctly.org!
This video last 1:23 seconds. it explains our methodology in English with Spanish subtitles.
We will teach you through the same system; We will show you with images, animations and video clips that you can download to your PC or mobile video device.
At www.say-it-correctly.org we make it easy for you to learn English, the structure of a sentence and how to pronounce each syllable of a word correctly.
If you want to learn English, SayItCorrectly.org gives you the tools, you just have to memorize, practice and then you can ...
Say it in English correctly!
You can teach yourself.
Usted puede aprender solo.
Learn English easily, in a friendly and enjoyable way.
Aprenda ingles fácilmente, de manera amistosa y agradable.
The course is organized in 13 chapters, which you can study depending on what you need or want to learn.
El curso está organizado en 13 capítulos, que puede estudiar dependiendo de lo que usted necesite o quiera aprender.
How should I study?